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Cable Solution
The correct choice of electrical cables that are used in electrical installations is fundamental to avoid disturbances and short circuits, hence the necessity and the care of the choice of them. Volt Eléctrica, Lda is a reference in the supply of electrical cables, domestic installations and industries.
Industrial & Domestic Electric Materials
Home users, industrialists, system integrators, installers, engineering teams and machine manufacturers already feel the digital transformation of the industry as a critical success factor. Technology and innovation are creating endless business opportunities for the energy sector, and Volt is concerned about meeting the various needs that arise. We offer wide range of electrical materials such as: Switches and microswitches, flags, switches, etc. Solutions Control, automation and distribution of energy WIRES & CABLES CABELET, CAT CEL, etc Products and systems for electrical installations and information networks General lighting products and luminaires, electronic accessories and led modules, auto lamps, display-optics Fixtures and fittings Domestic and industrial hoods, hoods, fans, fans, heaters S & P Relays Solutions for electrical connections, electronics and communication Explosion proof products Residential distribution material Generally speaking, we are the solution for all electrical installation material for industrial or residential application of the leading top brands.
Engines, Controls, Transformers & Generators
The low cost, ease of transport, cleanliness and ease of control, great versatility of adaptation to the loads of the most diverse types and better yields combine the advantages of these desposetivos that transform electrical energetic into mechanics. Our motors have been developed for the most diverse applications in the industry, being ideal for application with variations of speed
Lighting Solution
The light of an environment directly represents the understanding and feeling that is desired for a certain place, directing the people’s sensations by offering good sensations and discomfort. In this sense, the right choice of the type of ambient lighting is a prime factor for their well-being. The world has surrendered to LED bulbs, recognizing its numerous benefits in terms of economy, durability and quality. If, in the domestic environment, the advantages of this type of lamp have been increasingly emphasized, it is natural that, in industrial and commercial installations, these are also. For traditional lamps, LED bulbs are therefore an option of higher profitability, having a much lower consumption and a substantially longer life. Less energy dissipated and longer durability are also part of the positive aspects of this type of lighting, which has gradually replaced the traditional incandescent lamps. Of course, if in the domestic environment, where electricity consumption is lower, the use of LED lamps corresponds to lower light bills; when we speak of industrial lighting we also speak of a much greater saving. Almost constant illumination, with vast areas and whose requirements of luminous intensity are greater are some of the characteristics sought by those who…
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